Meghan S
Entrepreneur & Mother
"Shan has proven to be a critical missing link in my life. So many of us share a timeless dilemma. Busy families need help so our time can be focused on loved ones and our general wellbeing. With Shan on my team, I am able to be so much stronger for my family, my clients and for myself. Best investment I have ever made!"
Susan Y
Homemaker, Wife & Mother of 5
"We call Shan our Provider of Peace! The old adage, “When Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy” is a truth around our house. Let me tell you, Mama is real happy when I come home to an organized home, a kitchen stocked full of groceries and the kids’ lunches made for the next day. We have hired Shan to prepare our weekend home for guests, to meet maintenance people for returns, and to mail out packages for our family business. We can’t live without her!"
Gretchen K
Full-Time Marketing VP & Single Mother of 2
"I used to hire sitters so I could get a breather. But I realized I didn’t want more time away from my kids. I work full-time. I am a single Mom. I want time with my kids. I just don’t want the stress of the endless to-do list that comes with running a household. Shan inventories my supplies, restocks, picks up items for school projects, runs misc. errands and does meal prep for the week. I call Shan my Angel. Enough said."